
How Do I Know if my Dog has Anal Gland Problems?


How Do I Know if my Dog has Anal Gland Problems? Dog ownership isn’t all adorable Instagram pics and cozy snuggles. Dogs get upset stomachs and puke on the carpet. Sometimes they eat your favorite shoes (or pee in them). Accidents happen. And sometimes, dogs have issues with their anal sacs. What are

How Do I Know if my Dog has Anal Gland Problems?2020-09-23T14:53:26-07:00

How Long Should I Feed My Dog Puppy Food?


At what age does my dog no longer need puppy food? Puppies are adorable. Sure, they eventually hit those awkward, lanky teenage years, but they somehow retain their over-the-top cute puppy-ness. Some adult dogs retain their puppy playfulness for years. Fortunately, they don’t maintain their puppy nutrition requirements. Puppies need a puppy specific diet that is

How Long Should I Feed My Dog Puppy Food?2020-09-28T18:10:48-07:00

How Much Water Should a Dog Drink?


Providing easy access to fresh, clean water is something that most dog owners get right – but should you worry about how much water you’re giving them? An optimal amount of hydration is actually an important part of your canine companion’s overall nutrition. While dogs tend to be fairly good at self-regulating their water intake throughout

How Much Water Should a Dog Drink?2020-09-23T14:54:16-07:00

Why Is My Dog Drinking So Much Water?


Thirsty Dogs – When to Worry about Water Consumption Is your pooch more parched than usual? Sometimes it’s hard to tell exactly how much water your dog is consuming – they can often be sloppy drinkers – but if you’ve noticed your dog frequenting their hydration station excessively, read on to find out why

Why Is My Dog Drinking So Much Water?2020-09-23T14:55:52-07:00

How Much Food Should I Feed My Dog?


Feeding your Dog - How Much is Enough? If you’re a first-time dog owner or concerned about your dog’s weight, you’re probably wondering how much and how often you should be feeding your little best friend. There really isn’t a one size fits all approach, but this guide will help you consider the key

How Much Food Should I Feed My Dog?2020-09-23T14:56:03-07:00

Why is Chocolate Bad for Dogs?


What makes chocolate so dangerous for dogs? Chocolate — it’s hard to find someone who doesn’t like it. But this is one of the most toxic foods your dog can eat. Nearly every pet owner has a horror story about their dog hoovering a chocolate bunny at Easter, or getting into a chocolate cake

Why is Chocolate Bad for Dogs?2020-09-23T14:56:26-07:00

What Fruit is Bad for Dogs?


Fruit — Is It Safe For Dogs To Eat? Your furry friend may adore chomping a bite out of your ice cream cone or sharing your watermelon slice, but not all fruit is a healthy choice for dogs, even if they’re perfectly safe for humans. Dogs are carnivores. Fruit isn’t necessary for a healthy

What Fruit is Bad for Dogs?2020-09-23T14:57:04-07:00

What Can Dogs Not Eat?


Never Feed Your Dogs These Human Foods Dogs don’t need human food to survive. Our domesticated dogs are fundamentally carnivores, although they do enjoy plant based food, as anyone with a dog that devours grass can attest. There are thousands of Instagram videos of dogs enjoying bananas, broccoli or spaghetti noodles, and just as

What Can Dogs Not Eat?2020-09-23T14:57:13-07:00

My Dog Seems Hungry — How Much Should I Be Feeding It?


Your Labrador Retriever stares longingly at the kitchen cupboard its food is stored in. Your Dachshund inhales its meal in seconds. Your German Shepherd devors any morsel that lands on the floor. It may seem like your dog is always pining for food but that doesn’t mean your dog needs to eat all the time, or

My Dog Seems Hungry — How Much Should I Be Feeding It?2020-09-23T14:59:32-07:00
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